A group of researchers from Dalhousie University need your feedback! The group is working on a research project titled, “Assessing visitor motivation for participation in recreational activities in coastal areas of the Eastern Shore Islands of Nova Scotia” We encourage you to complete the questionnaire to let the researchers know how you enjoy using the islands.
Here’s a snippet taken from the questionnaire instructions.
We invite you to take part in a research project to assist the researchers in identifying environmental management strategies to protect sensitive coastal ecosystems of the Eastern Shore Islands. This study is being done by Maryam Fazeli, Dylan Leonard, Katie Powe, Kaitlin Stansfield, and Irina Wandera. We are Masters of Public Administration students in the Faculty of Management at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We are doing this research for a class project in the Research Methods and Policy Analysis course. The project is instructed by Dr. Dominika Wranik who is an Associate Professor in School of Public Administration at Dalhousie University. The information below tells you about our research and what you will be asked to do. It also tells you about any benefits, risks, inconveniences or discomforts you might experience.
In this research project, we will investigate the reasons why recreationalist visit the Eastern Shore Islands by conducting a questionnaire. Additionally, we will examine visitors’ views on their interactions with nature. The data will be used to develop policy recommendations to preserve the wilderness areas of the Eastern Shore Islands.
You may participate in this questionnaire if you have visited the Eastern Shore Islands within the last five calendar years. We expect that about 100 people will complete this questionnaire. The responses to the questionnaire will be analyzed and interpreted using the statistical program SPSS. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 -15 minutes to complete.
In consenting to participate in the questionnaire, you will be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift card.
You can view the complete questionnaire instructions and online survey using the link below.